Just Messing Around ...

TGIF, friends !!

While I *should* be working on a list of productive things that I've been putting off long enough ... like, painting my son's bathroom ... working on his playroom ... cleaning the layers of pollen off of our porch ... and, cleaning out my closet, somehow, I find myself creating new vignettes around the house today.

A new *pinterest-inspired* vignette in the kitchen:

Garden balls on candlesticks, anyone?

I will never make "bean soup," however, I'll be the first to buy a bag of it to add color to my kitchen.  Yes, I have issues!

IKEA x 3:

Annnd, a new roo admiring fancy, faux apples.

I know I'm not alone in choosing to do things that I *want* to do over things I *need* to do today!

I hope you all have a wonderful *non-productive* day ... like me!  LOL

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