A Few Shots of Baby Everly

As a mentioned a little while back, even though the girls and I raced up to NH as soon as we heard Jamie was in labor, except for a handful of shots that first afternoon in the hospital, I only ended up getting to take some photos of little baby Everly one afternoon when she was a week old. We had planned on taking pictures that whole first week and even had a couple of cute props ready, but thanks to the plague that befell poor Lola all those plans went out the window and we settled for some simple shots. Here are a few of the ones I've edited so far. I've got a couple more I'm working on with her in an adorable little knit bonnet that I'll share once I edit those. Oh how I miss her cute little cheeks and can't wait to get to properly hold and snuggle her next time we visit and I don't have to worry about all the germs I might be passing to her from my offspring. =)




I, of course, love Jamie dearly, but I kind of hate her too - you can't tell in the photo above, but she was wearing her regular jeans the day I took these - and Evie was just a week old! Ugh!

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