Sisters (Guest Post from My Mom)

Because my mom is often worried about how little sleep I get she has kindly offered to write a guest post so I could take a night off- well, not a night off, but a night off from blogging! We have an amazing aunt (my mom's sister) who is one of the most giving people I know. She is endlessly thinking of each and every one of our family members and sending gifts, cards, and words of encouragement. There have been days where I have gotten more than one card in the mail from her! Anyway, today my mom really wanted to bless her by sharing a little bit about what her sister means to her. You will see that Jamie and Jason (who have posted here before - just waiting on Dana now) got their way with words from my mom. I hope you enjoy!  

 My Mom and Aunt Jan

Greetings! This is Heidi, Jenni's mom. I have helped Jenni and Jason somewhat over the past few years with a few of the products for Dear Lillie. Or at least in ‘my’ mind or imagination, I think I have...:)

However, last spring I took what I thought would be a short recess from sewing, which has since stretched into a rather lonnnng intermission...:). Needless to say, I felt I should contribute in some small (or as Jason might think), insignificant way. Therefore, I thought I would fill in with a guest post, due to the fact that Jason is no longer achieving the necessary quota for his devoted fans. Granted, my own writings could never fulfill or even surpass the quips you all look forward to in his posts. I readily concede to that without even pause for an argument- but for one reason only: My post today is in honor of my sister.

No, today is not "National Sister's Day", which doesn’t occur until the 4th of August. If I were to wait until then, it would only delay my merry little fingers in lending Jenni a day off from composing, designing, editing, etc. Today, rather, is a way of defining what love is, as seen through my own eyes of my sister. It doesn’t directly have a thing to do with Dear Lillie, yet her attributes aid in defining who we all are as a family. Therefore, as I risk penning these musings to you under the guise it is in the proximity of Valentine’s Day, I invite you to look into the ‘heart’ of what truly matters.

My sister Jan is three years older than I am. Do we necessarily agree on everything all the time? No. What fun would that be? Did we ever squabble while growing up? Yes, of course we did! We would never deny ourselves such rights of passage. Oh, but we did share some glorious times together, such as proudly creating our very own "Monkees' Fan Club", sharing our love for the Maine seacoast and dreaming of living there one day, even blending our learning experiences as Jan taught me how to read at the ripe old age of four! We still share in our laughter together at all the wrong and inappropriate times and places. Countless memories have been born from our 50+ years of sisterhood. However, behind those recollections there are gems that have given me far greater joy:


You were always bold and daring,
while I was timid and shy.

You were the first to show me
as you blazed your path toward Him.
Cautiously, I followed after you. 

You were the first to show me
the power of prayer.
Tentatively, I followed your lead.

You were the first to show me
the road of suffering
when struck with tragedy so young,
as you passed through the waters, walked through the fire.
I tiptoed after you.

You were the first to show me
true courage and perseverance,
when you were almost taken from us too soon.
Pressing on, I followed your trail.

You are a giver, an inspirer, and an encourager.

So today, I thank you for your love, your gift of giving, your acts of
courage, and your daily trust in whatever lies ahead of you.
May I ever be so honored to follow in your footsteps.


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