Impromptu Project

Have you ever been sitting at your dining room table when, all of a sudden, you look over at your front door and decide that it needs to be painted right then and there?

If so, that sounds like my house yesterday!

I've walked by ... opened ... cleaned, this same front door for almost 7 years.  *Never* have I thought about painting it anything other than white.  But, for some strange reason ... that changed a few days ago.  This is what our door looked like at 10:00 a.m. yesterday morning (sorry for the poor picture quality ... I could not seem to get ride of the shadows around the windows),

And, THIS is what it looked like at 10:20 a.m.!  LOL.  I just happened to have a can of black paint on hand ... and, well, our door got a new look!  

I love the difference!  And, now, it matches the outside of the door, as well!

I love impromptu projects like that, don't you?

Speaking of projects ... here's something else I'm working on, which includes this beautiful fabric, which I hope will unite our dining and sitting rooms!

I'll share the finished results soon!

Thanks for stopping by ... Happy Week!

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