Tea Party, Love Is..., A Winner and the Rusted Chain

Last week we had a little impromptu tea party. Lillie had asked for one the night before, but I told her we'd have to wait until tomorrow if she wanted to have a one with snacks included so she, Jon and Lola decided to have a pretend one with the little pink set that Jon got her for her when she was a baby (you can see the tiny pink teapot and saucers in the photo above). A few minutes later I heard a crash. We no longer have any teacups and let's just say none of the females in the family were to blame. I think there's a reason tea parties don't normally include boys - haha! =) So, when we had our tea party the next day we had to use some of our grown up pieces.

Also I forgot to mention in yesterday's post the paint colors. I used Ballet White (leftover from several projects) for the table top and chairs and for the table legs I used Valley Forge Tan (leftover from when I painted my computer armoire.) You can see the two colors clearly in the photo below, but I would say it looks a little more contrasting in the photo than it does in person.

Lillie's friends Chloe and Bayley gave this adorable little sock monkey to Lola (and gave Lillie a bunch of their dolls!) and while Lola was napping the sock monkey got to enjoy the tea party with Lillie.

Lola's checking it all out.

Mmmmmm...nothing like a mini chocolate bundt cake! =)

Also, we have restocked our Love is... pillow cover sets in both black:
 and white:

I also wanted to announce the winner of our Aadley and Co Giveaway:
Congratulations, Janice! You will be receiving an e-mail shortly from someone at Aadley and Co so they can get you your $50 gift card!

And finally, I want to introduce to you our newest sponsor, The Rusted Chain:

The Rusted Chain is a lovely shop that offers a wide array of stamped jewelry including this items like this bracelet:

and this necklace:

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

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