NOW, You're (Home)Talk'n...

What is it about Spring and Fall that makes so many of us want to declutter and organize?  Yes, friends, it’s that time of year when I feel the “urge to purge.”  And, in order to complete my mission, I’m constantly looking for ways to make sense of my home's chaos!

Enter HOMETALK!   You know ... the amazing online community where members can post their home projects … ask for opinions … and find creative and inventive ideas to implement into their own homes!  One of the many great elements of Hometalk is its “Clipboard” feature.  You can save (or “clip”) any project you see to refer to later.  Annnnnd, your friends can follow your clipboard so that they may be inspired right along with you!
And, speaking of clipboards … when my sweet and beyond talented friend, Karianne (from her “ohso” famous blog, Thistlewood Farms), asked if I’d create an “Organizational/Storage” clipboard to be shared on Hometalk's Facebook Page (and her fabulous Facebook page, as well), I, of course, said "yes," especially since organization is something I'm trying to conquer in our home as we speak!
When you have a minute, simply click HERE to visit my clipboard.  You just might be inspired by the incredibly organized pantry that has a place for; the awesome wall mounted storage made from crates and palettes; the shoe organizer created from simple molding; or the storage bins made from twine covered cardboard boxes (yes, cardboard boxes) ... I could go on and on!

And, while you're there, be sure to become a member of Hometalk (if you aren't already) and start creating your own Clipboards that we can follow!

As always, thanks so much for stopping by!  I'm off to finish taking pics of our Fall sitting room before it turns into our *Christmas* sitting room!


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