A Simple Autumn Mantel

The girls and I spent last week in New Hampshire with my family. There is nothing more beautiful than autumn in New England. I hated leaving! We worked on a few small projects at my parent's new house including playing around with the mantel. We used all items that they had already so it was completely free!

They had quite a few faux pumpkins from years past in a mix of colors so we painted them all ballet white to coordinate nicely on the mantel. The leaves were freshly cut - I love how bright they are!

This is my Great Uncle Bob and was done back in 1940! (There's a coordinating one of his brother, my grandfather, that's in another room that I'll show later this week.)

 Originally we couldn't find any orange branches low enough to cut so we used these ones that were a bit more dull until we got the orange ones. I liked how they looked but think the orange one pull out the background of the picture of Uncle Bob better.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

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