Baby's Breath Pom Tutorial (And What NOT To Do)

I had seen several beautiful examples of Baby's Breath Pom's on Pinterest and in magazines but I couldn't find a tutorial for one despite looking and looking. I figured it couldn't be hard so I thought I would give it a shot and take pictures as I went. I tried making part of one at home a few weeks before and used floral foam that I soaked and I was really happy with how it turned out. For Lola's party we just went with dry foam, figuring that would make them lighter and easier to hang - that was a big mistake. We made them on Wednesday and the party was going to be Saturday evening. By Friday they were already getting kind of dried up and shriveled looking. =( So, here is a step by step how we made them, but I would HIGHLY recommend getting the floral foam that you can soak if you are going to make them more than a day or two ahead of time. I have to say I was really disappointed in how they looked by the time of her party. They had looked so beautiful just a few days earlier!

So, with that little disclaimer, here is the step by step:

First we bought those long logs of floral foam at Michael's. They came in a pack of four. Going that route was WAY cheaper than buying spheres. One sphere alone was more expensive than the whole pack of the rectangular foam which we could get 8 and 12 of our own "home-made" spheres out of.

We took one of the rectangles and cut it into three square cubes.

Then we used a knife and kind of "whittled" away at the corners to make it more of a sphere. It doesn't need to be perfect, or anything close to perfect. You just need to get a vague shape.

Then we cut down the baby's breath into little bunches like this.

Now for the fun part, start poking them into the foam!

And before you get to far into it, tie some twine or raffia around your foam so that you can hang these.

And then you just keep on going. Once you have it all filled in cut some little bunches in different lengths that you can use to fill in spots to help make it into a nice looking circle/sphere. And that's it!
 I really loved the light, airy look of these and plan on making more in the future - I will just make sure to go back to use the floral foam that can be soaked!
 You can see more pictures from Lola's party here.

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

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