Ten Months

 Our little Lorelei Wren is ten months old today! I can't believe it has been almost a year since she was born. She's turning into such a fun little person and it is so sweet watching her and Lillie as they are starting to attempt to play together. Well, mostly Lillie playing and getting Lola to laugh at her games. I love them so much!

 I wasn't planning on really taking any photos this weekend but the weather was gorgeous and Lola was so happy that I ran inside and grabbed my camera out of my bag. I was able to take quite a few photos of my little munchkin although I didn't really get one I loved. It was really exciting though to finally be able to take shots of her sitting up! Just last week she finally started sitting on her own for more than a few seconds! YAY!!!!!! (I often photoshop out the hands that are behind her) =).

 funny face 
  She loves to clap now! It is so cute watching her clap at the basketball games or when Lillie is doing something she thinks is funny.

 Just like her big sister, Lola loves animals. She got so excited seeing the cats Luke and Lucy and was really gentle with them.

And clearly has no fear of them...
(I almost didn't put this shot up here to avoid getting any comments on how the cat could have turned around and scratched her. Lucy was actually just scampering by and in real life it wasn't really how it looks in this shot, but the shot looks pretty funny so I included it...) 

Aunt Patty and Lola

Lola and Lauren

And Lillie and Lauren

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! We will be back tomorrow introducing a brand new pillow!

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